Sunday, December 12, 2010

Christmas time is here!

Home for the Holidays! 
Four more days and counting! Our third semester at New Tribes Bible Institute is coming to a quick and steady ending. We will be done with classes on Thursday, and are so glad we can see the end in sight. We are currently taking Pneumatology (the study of the Holy Spirit), Ephesians, and Soteriology (the study of salvation). They have been absolutely phenomenal classes, and we are learning so much. There is a class of seniors that will be graduating this coming Saturday, and Sunday we will leave for North Carolina. This time we will only be home for one week, seeing as Grace has a job here in MI. Our plan is to stay here and work as much as possible in order to save the money we need for our final semester here. 
we have snow!

Christian Evangelism Cookie Exchange!
Yesterday, Grace hosted a cookie exchange party. Her motive in this was to give the women here a chance to invite unsaved girls into the school in order to get to know them more personally, in hopes that they will eventually get the chance to share the gospel. Please be in prayer for Grace's friend Jesse. We are not sure if she is saved, but we can tell that she is not presently walking with the Lord. She came to Grace's cookie exchange, and a great relationship is starting to form. Pray for wisdom, as Grace looks for the right words and questions to cause Jesse to question what she is putting her trust in. 
look at all those cookies! 

girls enjoying a little snack

It is so encouraging for us to know that there are many of you praying for us on a regular basis. We appreciate it so much, and are so thankful for our family in Christ that we have all over the world. We would like to specifically ask for prayer about some specifics. 
  • Strength to finish out this last week. It will consist of lots of homework and a test for each class. 
  • Provision for the $2,100 we need by January 1st in order to come back for our last semester.
  • Safe travels to and from NC
  • A job for Alton
  • Guidance for after we graduate. We desire to carry on with our training at the Missionary Training Center, but we have no idea how we are going to pay for it. Pray for provision. 
Have a wonderful Christmas!!! We hope we get to see you :) 

               The Cales