Sunday, October 24, 2010

A day in the Life of the Cale's

October:     This has been a wonderful month for us. Although, it has been one of the busiest months we have had since we have been here, it has been one of growing in God, growing in friendships, and growing in our marriage. We have been learning more than we could have ever imagined!

Special Emphasis-
Chris Lujan (second from the left) with Siar people
      This past week was special emphasis week. We have this once a semester, and it entails having a special missionary speaker leading all of our chapels for the week, and then on Friday we don't have classes and he gets the day to share some more with us. The special emphasis speaker this past week was Chris Lujan. He and his family are missionaries in Papua New Guinea, working with the Siar people in a remote tribal setting. We were able to learn so much about the work they are doing there, and also were challenged immensely in the Word of God. One of the biggest things we took from our time with him was the fact that in order to make disciples we must first be one! He took us to Luke14:25-35 which talks about the cost of being a disciple. We strongly encourage you to read this passage for yourself...TODAY! It will challenge your heart, like it did ours. One of the costs that Luke talks about in this passage is the giving up of EVERYTHING in your life. Out of all the challenges in this part of scripture, we know that this is the hardest thing for an average American to understand. The #1 reason Christians do not go to the field is because of their stuff. We have so many possessions in this culture of ours that to leave it all behind for the sake of the Gospel is just too much to handle. Be careful that this is not where you are at in your will be highly disappointed when you reach Heaven and all your possessions burn, and you are left standing before the Lord of Lords and King of Kings with just a pile of ash. Let your loyalty to God reign supreme in your life!!!!
Please pray for missionaries Chris and Erin Lujan! (if you are interested in reading a wonderful story about the Siar tribe CLICK HERE)

Grace & Andrew- 
     We are so incredibly thankful to our Lord for being our provider. With every month a new school bill arrives, not to mention other financial responsibilities that come our way, and the Lord finds a way to make it possible for us to have the money every time. One of the biggest provisions for finances has been Grace's job as a caregiver for a 13 year old boy named Andrew. This job sort of just fell in her lap the first day we arrived back in Michigan, after the summer break. We had done a lot of babysitting for Andrews family last year, and so they knew we would be interested in working with Andrew more consistently. Andrew was adopted by a wonderful family that graduated from New Tribes Bible Institute 2 years ago. They have made their mission field Spring Arbor, Michigan. They serve the Lord by helping children through fostering and adoption. Currently they have 6 children. Two are their own, two are adopted (Andrew being one of them), and two are foster boys. This family has grown so dear to our hearts, and we have loved getting to know them. Andrew has a condition called Cerebral Palsy (if you do not know much about this condition I encourage you to look it up). He, as I mentioned above, is 13 years old, yet he only has a mind/physical capacity of a 9 month baby. Which essentially makes him completely dependent on others for all his needs. Grace has been working anywhere from 18-20 hours a week with him, and has been loving the experience to work with this precious child of God. There has been some changes taking place with her work hours, and she will only be getting around 8 hours a week, this will make it difficult to meet our financial needs, so please pray about that with us. Please take a moment and pray for the Fannin's, as well as all their 6 children. There are many struggles that come along with their ministry, and I know they would appreciate your prayers.

Grace & Andrew
Andrew smiling :)

     This past month seems to have been one of tremendous growth in our marriage. It seems like with every new principle we are learning we can practice more of it in our marriage. An example of one of these areas is the principle of having a grace perspective. We studied through the book of 2 Corinthians, and it seems like Paul's biggest emphasis in that letter to the Corinthians, was that they needed to have more of an outlook of grace toward others. Our relationships should never be based on performance. Christ did not die for us because we were worthy of it, but he died because He loved us. Therefore, we should practice this same element in our relationships. This grace perspective must be a way we govern our marriage. We are learning that we should not treat our spouse a certain way because they did something, or didn't do something. Love and respect should be constant in our marriages, as well as in our friendships. Grace is giving/treating someone in a way that they might not deserve. Christ did this for us! Grace in relation to Christ and us can also mean G-God's R-righteousness A-at C-Christ's E-expense. Start having a grace perspective towards your spouse, and I promise you that it will make a huge difference in your relationship.

Closing Remarks-
     We just want to thank you for taking the time to read this, for praying for us, the Lujan's, and the Fannin's, and for your love & support. We hope that you are seeking to know God with your whole heart by learning about Him through His Word. It has been the biggest joy in our life to get to have a living relationship, with our living Savior, through His living Word!

Because He said "Go!",
 Alton & Grace Cale

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Semester 3 so far

That is truly the word that comes to our minds when we think of what has happened in our lives and hearts so far this semester. The Lord has been revealing some wonderful things to us, and we are just soaking it all in. Thank you all for praying for us! 

  • So far this semester we have taken: 2 Corinthians, Hebrews, James/Jude, Missions in Church History, Islam, Catholicism, Prayer Module.
  • Currently we are taking: Romans, Angelology, Family Relations, Foundations for Learning, and we are starting Christian Apologetics this week.    
  • We will be taking: Galatians, Ephesians, 1&2 Peter, Soteriology, Pneumatology, and Intro to New Tribes Missions


We have just LOVED living in Michigan this past year. It really is a beautiful state. However, Jackson can be a little ruff around the edges, but once you drive out into the country it is just amazing to see God's beautiful creation. The sky always seems to be so robust with clouds...
The leaves are changing fast!
We got a pumpkin to carve!
Sunny cold day

We are SO thankful to be here! And we really do appreciate your prayers and support! 
Please take a look at our other pages above. Find out more about us by clicking on the"about us" section! 

Our Mission

Take a look at where we have come from, and what we are heading towards!