Partner With Us

Partner with us by:

"With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints" 
Ephesians 6:18

Prayer is THE MOST important ministry you can have! Never underestimate what God can do through it.

"Go ye therefore into all the nations..." Matthew 28:19

There is nothing that would please us more than to see more people stepping up to what God has called them to do. There are still around 2500 unreached tribal groups around the world. These people are going to hell unless someone shares the Gospel of Jesus Christ with them. WILL YOU GO?
If interested in missions please check out NTM's website for more information.

If you can't go, then help someone else go. There are many financial responsibilities while receiving the training in order to carry on with New Tribes Mission. During the next part of our training we will not be able to work at all, which is a rule set in place by the school. Therefore, we will need to be fully supported for the Missionary Training Center before we can begin there. Please be in prayer with us, as finances are always tight. If you are interested in helping provide please see our contact information OR you can use the provided link on our home page to safely donate to our PayPal account. 

Although most of our interaction with you will be over this blog, we long to hear about you and what is going on in your life. We also would love to know that you are praying for us! Please feel free to drop us an email or even the old fashioned mailed letter (which is always so exciting when we find one in our mailbox!).