We have been back in the good old state of North Carolina for just over a month now. Alton was able to start working with a construction company 2 weeks after we got back, and it has been such a blessing that he got work so quickly. This past week we started renting a little house of our own. We were very fortunate to be able to stay with Grace's parents for the past month, and even though we were welcome to stay longer, we decided to go ahead and get our own place. Alton's job is going to require him to be out of town for the whole week, and so it will work out nicely to have our own place to be together on the weekends!
Baby Cale
Since we returned home, we were able to get Medicaid for Grace's pregnancy. She has found a good doctors office, and has decided on the hospital where she will have the baby. Last week Friday we got to see our baby make an on screen debut at Grace's 18 week ultrasound. We got the WONDERFUL news that we are having a precious baby girl (which is what we were both secretly hoping for). :) We also found out that Grace has something called Complete Placenta Previa. This means that the placenta (which is normally located towards the top of the uterus) is located at the bottom. Because of this, the way that the baby would naturally come out is blocked. A cesarean delivery will be necessary, unless the placenta moves out of the way. The percentage of it moving is very slim, but it IS possible! So if you would please be praying with us that it will move so that we can have a natural delivery. If it does not move, there are many potential complications later on in the pregnancy. We are going back for another ultrasound in August, and they will know more at that point. Despite this disheartening news, we are still very happy about this baby, and we know that God is in control, and that if it is His will for things to change then they will. We have already decided on her name, which we have had picked out for over a year and a half now. :) Riah Skye Cale is her name.
Please continue praying for us! We know God has great things for us, and for you.
Because He said "Go!", Alton & Grace Cale (+ Riah) :)